Sunday morning opportunities for children.

Child Care

(for ages birth to 2 years)

Infants and toddlers are lovingly cared for in a safe environment while parents attend Sunday worship services. Child Care is located in the basement. Stairways are at both the North and South ends of the Narthex.

Little Lambs

(for 2 & 3 year olds)

Children experience God’s love, begin to understand God’s Word and play interactively during the Sunday morning worship service. Located in the basement with check-in at the Nursery. Stairways to the basement are located at both the North and South ends of the Narthex.


Discipleship Journey

(Church Education)

Children and young people grow in the knowledge of our Lord, His Word and the Church. Classes are designed to take children and young people from the simple Bible stories to a deeper understanding of what it means to be a follower of Christ. Classes are held after the morning worship service. (October – April)