All students from 9th-12th grade are invited

Youth Group Students,
We have several upcoming youth group gatherings during the month of March. Join us at Covenant Church on Sunday March 2, Sunday March 16, and Sunday March 30 from 4:00-6:00 pm for youth group. During our time together we will play some group challenge games, gather for discipleship time, meet in our small groups, and eat some dinner together. Remember, friends are always welcome to come too! Don’t miss out on some youth group fun!

Youth Group Students,
On Sunday, March 23, join us at 4:00 PM for our next fellowship/community building gathering:
Bunco is a fast-paced dice game that people of all ages and abilities can play. Players are divided into groups of four players, trying to score points while taking turns rolling three dice in a series of six rounds. A Bunco is achieved when a person rolls three-of-a-kind and all three numbers match the round number. After each round, players move places and get a new partner. Bunco games are known for getting noisy and rowdy with all the socializing, dice rolling, friendly competition, and celebrating! It's a gaming event that brings people together again and again in a spirit of fun and friendship.
Desserts and appetizers will be provided by attendees. (No competition this time!)
We are looking for a few people to sign up to bring a dessert and/or appetizers to share! When you register, let us know if you can bring a dessert and/or an appetizer.
All players must sign up to play! Please register each person who will be playing.
This community-building gathering is open to everyone.
Bring a friend. Meet a friend.d.
Please register here or on the sign-up sheet at the welcome center to let us know if you will be attending so that we can plan accordingly. Don't delay. Sign up today. Bring a friend. Meet a friend.

Students, we have a variety of youth group gatherings scheduled for January through April. Here is our schedule. Please mark your calendars. We look forward to you joining us when we meet. Remember, on our Sunday afternoon gatherings, we eat dinner together.
Each ministry year, we need parents/guardians to fill out the Children and Youth Registration liability form. Please take a few minutes to fill out the form for EACH child (18 years old and younger) who will be participating in the children or student ministries at Covenant Church.
PLEASE NOTE that AFTER registering for the children or student ministries, you will receive a confirmation email. In this email, there will be links to PART TWO of the registration form for each registered child. PLEASE take a few minutes to complete this form as well.
If you have any questions, please see Pastor Henry or Amy Rottman. Thanks in advance for doing this!

High School youth group students,
Are you interested in making a public profession of your Christian faith?
Are you interested in learning what is involved in taking this step on your spiritual journey?
Then join us at the upcoming I BELIEVE workshop on Sunday, March 9. To learn more and to register, please click on the button below.
The season of Lent is a time to reflect on the ways we fall short of God’s glory, repent, and seek healing. This sermon series will explore different aspects of brokenness in our lives—broken relationships, personal sin, grief, and hurt—and how Jesus offers healing through His love, sacrifice, and resurrection power.
As we explore different Bible passages, we will listen to them with fresh ears, and examine our hearts and lives together.

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I BELIEVE is a workshop designed to help prepare participants so that they feel confident and ready to make a public profession of their Christian faith.
7171 Willard Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49548
616-455-5120 | info@covenant-crc.org